Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Neighbours, suburban TV crack?

Another week, another morning being rudely awoken by the builders upstairs. As I type, they're drilling directly above me, rendering even thinking impossible. I just hope they get done before Neighbours starts.

I really shouldn't be watching TV, or for that matter blogging, when I have this much work but the deadlines are still a week away and to a procrastinator such as myself, this is a time to finely hone skills such as doodling and feed my addiction for daytime TV.

Allow me to sample my TV choices for you on an average weekday, in between the heady rush of my 11 hour uni week. I begin my day, between the hours of 10:30 and 12:30, with This Morning. I used to watch BBC in the morning, but since they brought back Philip Schofield to my mornings, well, that was it. It all harks back to saturday mornings watching him and Sarah Green on the Live and Kicking couch and those waves of nostalgia are oddly calming when having to wake before noon. However, I WOULD sack the stylist as I honestly can't believe the trite they allow in this 'fashion' segment. Pah.

Once Phil and Ferne have left my screen, I face a tricky decision - flick over to BBC for the remains of Bargain Hunt or stay for the ITV news. Frequently, I stick with the news on this channel, although I find it hard to digest with its sensationalist claims- a bit like what would happen if The News of the World or Daily Mail suddenly became a programme.

After I've finished with ITV news at 1:00, I often switch over for the BBC news. This is news I like, a bit more level and, well, its the BBC. Since I started at university, the one thing that I can't quite get my head around is the regional news. As a native londoner, I have become accustomed to stories of violence, drugs and generally, the grimier underbelly of the city. My local news on the other hand is filled with the plight of local wildlife and primary school initiatives, with only the odd mugging or two thrown in once a fortnight. As barbaric as it may sound, I find myself hoping for something a little grittier.

However, regional news is small fry and for this reason, I nominate this as a good time to take a quick shower, making it back in time to check the weather report, before the jewel in the crown of daytime TV scheduling, NEIGHBOURS! Over the years when I was at school, I drifted away from Neighbours but entering the realms of uni (and visiting the country of origin for this wonderful soap) has stirred something in me and made me LOVE it.

Neighbours is like crack.

I KNOW I shouldn't watch it, let alone twice a day. I KNOW I schedule my working week around this show and that it's very sad. I KNOW that if ever there was going to be a reason for me to fail my degree, it would be Neighbours. Neighbours is my daily treat.

But still I can't stop watching.

However, I am not alone. Since I started living in student accomodation, I have been surrounded by other Neighbours addicts. We gather in each other's rooms, huddling around TVs and sigh with happy relief as one as the opening bars of the theme song flood the room, getting our first hit. I have to admit that frequently, I'll watch Neighbours twice a day. Why not? There's nothing else even semi-decent during those particular slots [1:40-2:05 and 5:35-6:00 for those of you non-converts]. Sure, I could be out doing something but in the current Siberian climates, I'd rather be on the sofa with a cup of tea, blanket and Ramsey Street on the screen. I'm not alone though. Last year during an afternoon viewing of Neighbours with some friends and just how awful it was that we watched twice a day, my friend George suddenly piped up 'Well you have to don't you? Alone at lunchtime in your room and then with everyone else in the afternoon so you can discuss it.' I was dumbfounded. At last, someone had finally voiced this secret taboo that my flatmates and I lived with.

Enough about Neighbours. I'm sounding like some kind of weird born-again convert, which I suppose in a way, I am. After Neighbours, I am lulled into a nap or lunch by Doctors. I'm in two minds about this programme, I think I preferred the single episodic style to the continuous plot episodes now. Doctors (2:05 - 2:30) is not what keeps me on BBC1 though. The real reason is Diagnosis Murder (2:30-3:30)- Dick Van Dyke, a murder plot and some plucky younger sidekicks - what's not to love about this show?

This is the point where my loyalty to BBC1 fades and I switch to Channel 4 for Countdown (3:30-4:15). I'm yet to meet anyone who doesn't like this show. I mean it. The late Richard Whiteley was marvellous and I wasn't sure how much I'd like it when Des Lynham took over but credit where it's due - he filled some pretty big shoes.

And now, we come to the show that I first mentioned in my blog, my latest addition, designed to fill the gap, my one opportunity to turn off my TV and get outside. Deal or No Deal ended all hope of breathing in some fresh air. Noel Edmunds has been missing from our screens for some time and yes, the first time I watched this show, I did think 'Where's Mr. Blobby?'. A quick summary: 22 people, 22 boxes with sums of money between 1p and £250,000. 1 contestant and his box join Noel to find the one with £250,000. There's a banker and lots of tension. Watch it because I can't be
bothered to summarise the rest. 'Why?' I hear you ask. Need you ask?



Blogger Rufus Moonshine said...

Jesus Christ, I'm hooked on Neighbours. I even visit if I miss an episode to see what happened.

So I have an mp3 called "I want to lick your face" by Anti and Hannah. And you're the former. Bizarre. and the like.

Hope you're well anyway lassie.

12/07/2005 11:33:00 AM  

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