Friday, December 02, 2005

Stick a fork in me...

because, ladies and gentlemen, I am DONE. As of 4 pm yesterday, I am free. My last piece of assessed work, the 2000 essay, is cosily settled in the arts department office. It's an odd thing, freedom. You spend so long hankering after it, salivating at the thought of that elusive lie-in, that when it comes, you're not entirely sure what to do with it.

It's strange suddenly not to have something hanging over my head. I am home yesterday after handing in my essay, put my bag down and tried to focus on what I had to do next to satisfy the little voice niggling at the back of my head. But I couldn't, because there is no more work. Everyone around me is still pumping out essays, grumbling about the lack of sleep and library cues, whereas I am free of uni burden.

And I feel guilty. I know I have nothing to feel guilty about - for the last two weeks I too have found myself becoming overly familiar with the library as the scramble for books reached its peak but I've also been reasonably lucky. Although it didn't seem like it at the time, my welsh presentation in week 2 was a god send. I would hate to have had yet another piece of work in the final two weeks of term, as testified by those whose presentations I've watched in the last week and the deep rings around their eyes.

Unfortunately, there's a downside to having no work to do. Like I said, everyone else is still slogging away, meaning there's noone to play with. So I will sit and twiddle my thumbs alone for now, filling my days with doing three weeks of laundry and generally sorting my life out.



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