Wednesday, December 07, 2005

The secret's out.

I've been found. I thought that to all intents and purposes, I was fairly anonymous in this enormous web universe. After spending my formative teenage years posting at ubbs at sites such as and abuse over at roadrage, I thought that owing to being two computers down the line, as well as several sites, I thought that student was relatively untouched and overlooked. I don't promote, I'm not really bothered.

But someone else has.

And they are in possession of a very dubious mp3 of my friend Hannah and I singing our drunken classic 'Let Me Lick Your Face'. Please, Shiny McShine, get in touch and send me a copy of that mp3, it's been a long time since I had a copy of that. Also, please identify yourself. Who are you? How did you find me? Why can't chickens fly?

This means nothing to most people, hell, noone reads this, so it is only me, but I want that song. It's like something to throw in the scrap book from when I was 15.

Meh. I'm only getting so navel gazingly introspective because it's my 22nd birthday tomorrow.


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