Sunday, April 09, 2006

Sunday Night Live II

At last, we have a wireless set up in the house, which allows me the opportunity to simultaneously watch tv, smoke a spliff and surf the web, all from the comfort of my bean bags in the attic. I've spent the day wandering between this location and the kitchen, reading the papers and generally being unproductive.

I shouldn't have written so much yesterday. Yesterday, in a burst of guilt and a silent house, I sat chained to my laptop for the better part of the day, save for walks in the garden. I somehow managed to get over 1000 words written, which proved to be the majority of the methoodology for my english dissertation. So, with that and my history/background section almost entirely written, things were starting to look up.

I even got a sushi dinner as a reward for my hard slog from my mother, so impressed was she by the fact that I'd actually done something, rather than loaf around all day as I am otherwise typically inclined to do.

Unfortunately, all of this had a detrimental (sp?) effect, as today I got nothing done. And now, I find myself unwittingly watching snowboarding on Channel 4, because I cannot find the remote control.

Nor can I find the second bar of chocolate that I liberated from the fridge about an hour ago. In my stoned haze, have I eaten it? Or has it suffered a worse fate, falling victim to the all consuming straggly-fur beanbag on which I have spent most of the evening?

If it is the latter, I fear that it may have melted somewhere in the burrows of the beanbag, which will subsequently need dry cleaning. Like Police Chief Wiggum laments on The Simpsons, nothing gets chocolate out.

In other news, why have I heard nothing of Clerks II? This alone proves the extent to which uni work has taken over my life. I've been reading Kevin Smith's blog over at, which has made it to my addictives list.

Enough yammering, all of this snowboarding is giving me motion sickness. I need to find that remote. And that chocolate bar, before it's too late.


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