Friday, February 24, 2006

Fake Plastic Horses

I just saw my first 'my little pony' advert in probably, ooh give or take, 15 years. God, that makes me feel old. I had presumed that the little plastic figurines with multicoloured hair had gone to the big toyshop of obscurity in the sky long ago but apparently, they're back.

return of the pony

I admit, I read something about their comeback a while ago but completely dismissed it. Clearly, I was wrong. This has got me to wondering about what ever happened to my own collection of hideously coloured ponies. I remember two of them in particular, which between the ages of 5 and 7, went everywhere with me before they were shelved in favour of some new garish plastic toy. One was white with a glittery arse and the other was a small pinkish one with wings that flapped if you pressed them in the middle.

In a way, I find it odd that something so simple is back in fashion. So many toys these days require batteries or programming, hell, even Barbie's not safe in today's technologically fuelled times. I never thought I'd see the day when fake plastic horses were apparently selling out.

Anyway, I'm off to enjoy the weekend because once again it's Friday. YEAH!


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