Monday, April 24, 2006

No rest for the wicked

I should be writing the presentation that I'm meant to be giving about how language in advertising conditions the way we think. Instead, I'm on here. I figured I could allow myself to post after yesterday's MARATHON work session.

For twelve hours, I sat on the floor, in exactly the same spot. I got up only twice - once for the loo, the other for the pizza that I ordered to compensate for the fact that I hadn't eaten all day.

I finally caved and made the pilgrimmage to the supermarket today, I couldn't hold out on air alone for much longer. There is at least one positive aspect to all of this work and hopefully it shall manifest itself on my waistline. I can't help noticing that I jiggle more since my trip home for easter, where I was virtually force fed by my overly concerned mother.

Another positive aspect that I cannot fail to notice is that I now have HALF of my english dissertation written up. Actually, over half- 5000 words. It has undeniably eased some of the pressure of the work, although there's always something to be done.

And with that, I must return to analysing Beyonce's face at close range and the implications on readers. Joy.


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